Step 1 - Define & Plan

We work with your executive team to understand the nuances of the role; including the strategic financial and operational issues affecting your organization today as well as your selection criteria. At this stage we also establish the sourcing plan and timeline.

Step 2 - Find, Approach and Assess

We pre-qualify candidates, then assess each candidate based on your criteria. The shortlisted candidates are then presented for your evaluation.

Step 3 - Evaluate

Qualified candidates are interviewed by your selection team and via a process of active feedback, further short listed/interviewed until a final candidate emerges. 3 Degree Consulting then performs the necessary due diligence, i.e. reference check on the selected candidate.

Step 4 - Acquire

We ensure that we are there for our clients, helping with the salary negotiation process up until the hire.

Step 5 - Follow up

At 3 Degree Consulting, we want to ensure our successful candidates make a positive impact and settle in well in their new organisations. Thus we follow up with our candidates and clients at regular intervals.